Saturday, February 13, 2016

Are You Treating Acting Like A Business Or A Hobby?

The majority of actors say they are actors first and foremost. While this might be the case in their minds, it's not always the case in their actions. While acting is certainly an art, it's also a business that needs to have a plan in place to grow and succeed.

Think about the amount of time and money actors spend on headshots, classes, workshops and trying to get the attention of agents and managers. All of that effort makes being an actor much more than a simple hobby. Being an actor means that you are a person involved in the business of acting as well as an artist. In fact, you are really a salesperson because you're trying to sell yourself and your skills to agents, managers, casting directors and producers. You are trying to convince them to buy the services you are offering over the services of other actors. The product you are selling is yourself and your audition is the equivalent of your "elevator pitch". Your headshot, wardrobe and style of acting are all part of the brand you are building and promoting to the industry decision makers.

With the knowledge that you are an actor and a product, have you taken the time to make an overall business plan? Brick and mortar businesses make long-range plans that cover multiple years. Making a plan for 1 or 3 years doesn't lock you into only following that path. It does provide you with a map to follow with enough freedom to take unexpected detours when new creative business opportunities appear that need your attention.

You also need to take time and make sure that your brand is focused and is the same across all platforms. Casting directors and producers look beyond your headshot and audition. They will take the time to find you on social media. Don't appear professional on one platform while having dirty jokes and risque photos on another social media site. It's fine to have that content if that is your brand but make sure that the product you present is consistent and on target.

Also, don't be afraid to change your approach and your brand. Businesses don't stay open by refusing to adapt and change to the demands of the marketplace. Not booking any jobs? Not moving forward with your career? Maybe it's time to assess your brand and make the necessary adjustments to have a more marketable product.

Recognizing the fact that acting is a business and not just an artistic expression might be the first step you need to take on the path to success in your chosen field. If nothing else, looking at how you market yourself to the industry can help you decide if acting is going to be your career or simply a fun hobby in your life.

This actor tries to keep his brand family friendly.

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