Here are some tips to help you deal with not booking a part as well as how to use the experience in the future:
- Accept The Odds - If you stop and think about how many times you will audition for parts, you will be looking for work more than you actually work. This means you will spend a good amount of time auditioning for parts and never hearing back from the casting director. Unfortunately, this is a fact of life in the acting world. You can either learn to move forward and realize you're not the top choice for every part or you can obsess to the point that it distracts you from focusing on your next audition.
- Be Excited About Auditions - As mentioned above, a good portion of your life as an actor will be auditioning for parts. If you want to be a working actor, this makes the audition process a very important part of your working life. Like any other job, there will be parts of your chosen profession that get you down on a daily basis. However, you should be thrilled if you get to audition on a regular basis. There are thousands of actors in Los Angeles who get submitted for a part but don't get called in for an audition. Be happy that you made the cut and have the chance to showcase your acting in front of a casting director.
- Don't Worry - Any tension you bring into the audition room will be felt by everyone around you. Be excited that you have the chance to audition for a part (no matter how big or small the role). Stay focused on the audition at hand and don't worry about booking the job. Doing your best in front of the casting director might not land you the part you auditioned for today but it might lead to new opportunities and jobs in the future.
- Breathe Deep - One of the big jokes about Los Angeles is that everybody is into meditation and yoga. While not everybody is looking into their souls to find peace, there is something to be said about taking the time to unwind. A regular routine of exercise, meditation, yoga and relaxing with friends can help you stop worrying about the little things and focus on the big picture AKA your career!
- Patience - The majority of actors who move to Hollywood will not be an overnight success story. It takes time to make a name for yourself in Hollywood as well as develop your craft. The more you network with fellow actors and attend workshops, the more opportunities will come your way in the future.
- Don't Take It Personally - How many times have you read a character breakdown for an audition and been convinced that the part was written with you in mind? While you might see the character as being perfect for you, the director and producers might have another "type" in mind. You might even look like an actor they've already cast for another role. There is only so much you can do, and only so much that is in your control, when it comes to landing a role. There is no reason to take it personally if you don't match the type of actor they have in mind.
- The Opinion Of One Person Is Not The Opinion Of Everyone - The fact that one person didn't like your audition is not how everyone feels about your talent. You have an acting range filled with skills that you don't always get to showcase in auditions. Don't dismiss any criticism you get in an audition but don't take it as a slight against your acting skills.
- Manage Your Expectations - It helps to enter any audition with realistic expectations. If you don't have much experience in drama or Shakespeare plays, don't be crushed if you don't book the part. Entering an audition with realistic expectations helps you keep everything in perspective as well as avoid feeling disappointed.
- Keep In Mind That Acting Is A Business - There is a good amount of art involved in acting but it's important to remember that acting is also a business. The producers of a movie or television show have to hire the actors they feel are the best fit as well as marketable when it comes to promoting the finished product. You can be a great actor but not fit the vision of the final product.
It's up to you to figure out how you deal with rejection as an actor. If you want to make a living as an actor, keep in mind that success is not overnight and you should be prepared for many auditions during your acting journey.