- Don't Be Late - While this might seem like obvious advice, many people don't take it to heart. There are thousands of actors in Hollywood trying to book jobs and be successful in this field. Even though traffic is horrible here, there is no reason not to plan ahead so you will be on time for a job or an audition. In fact, it's always better to be early than simply be on time.
- Learn Your Lines - Once again, this is amazingly obvious advice but it's not always followed by actors. Unless the job you booked specifically calls for improv, learn the lines that are sent to you. You need to know the lines by heart before you can begin to dive into the emotional aspects of the role. Also, don't attempt to make the lines "better" by tossing in your ideas and improv. Unless you want to insult the producers and writers of the project, don't simply change the lines to "fit your character" since you didn't create the character!
- The Business Isn't Fair - Most people know this fact but a few cling to the belief that they've done nothing wrong when they don't book a job. Also, you might book a role and then your part is cut for time. Your dream project might lose its financing. Don't dwell on why something didn't go your way with your acting career. Holding in the negative feelings and energy will only hold you back.
- Make A Choice - Will you conduct your career being prepared and ready to put in the work? Would you rather fly by the seat of your pants and hope that a big break lands in your lap? How you navigate your career is up to you but be prepared for the good and bad results of your approach.
- Don't Be Your Worst Enemy - When it comes to actors, they are their own worst enemy. From being unprepared for an audition to not rehearsing for a booked job to not arriving on time, you can do more damage to your credibility in the industry than anybody writing a review of your work.
- Get It Right The First Time At An Audition - You are not entering an audition to be coached by the casting directors. You are there to blow them away the first time. They might ask for different line readings because the production is not absolutely sure what they are looking for when it comes to character motivation. Be flexible and give other line readings if requested by them. When it comes to first impressions with your initial reading, be prepared to blow them away!
- Don't Make Excuses - The production that hired you for a job doesn't care that traffic was bad this morning. The casting director at an audition doesn't want to hear how your power went out and you couldn't download the audition sides. Your agent doesn't care why you didn't show up for an audition they submitted you for that happened three hours ago. Acting is a business and these excuses don't matter because there is always an actor more than willing to take your audition slot or work the job you were late arriving to on the day of your shoot.
Acting is fun. Acting is an art form. Acting is also a business with many rules and expectations that should be obvious to all actors. Keep the above tips in mind as you navigate the world of Hollywood and you'll be viewed as a professional ready to get the job done at all times.
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