Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Using Social Media To Promote Your Career

There are a variety of social media outlets available to actors today to help them promote their careers. From Facebook to Instagram to YouTube, social media is a vital part of the daily lives of people around the world. Are you choosing the right social media platforms to promote your career?

I do social media for a variety of clients ranging from cosmetic surgery to spices to crowdfunding to insurance quotes. All of these industries need specialized content for each social media outlet. Actors are some of the most creative people on the planet yet they feel using the same content across the board is perfectly acceptable.

It's not.

The social media sites listed below are ones I use on a daily basis. How can you use them to help your career?
  • Facebook - The obvious choice for any actor when it comes to promoting their work and career. Used by billions of people, Facebook is an excellent way to build a community of fans you can interact with on a daily basis on a fan page.  It's also an excellent way to control your image without anyone seeing your personal posts that would be bested saved for a private FB account.
  • YouTube - Are you a singer, stand-up comedian, actor or acting coach? If so, do you have a YouTube channel? If the answer is "no" then my question to you is "why not???" You can talk about your skills and talents all you want on your other social media pages but a YouTube channel is one of the best ways to share your skills with the public and reach a mass audience. It's also a great showcase of your talents that you can direct agents and managers and casting people to check out online.
  • Twitter - I love Twitter because it teaches you how to get your message across in 140 characters or less. Creating compelling copy while still making a complete statement in a limited amount of space is not an easy skill to master. Learning to get your message across on Twitter can also help you be more focused and in the moment during auditions and meetings.
  • Quora - Even though Quora is basically a giant online Q&A session, it can still help you further your career. Search for the people you admire and/or want to work with in the future and follow them on Quora. Engaging with them on a regular basis can put you on their radar but you do need to exercise caution and not be a part of every discussion they are involved with on Quora. There's a difference between being helpful and friendly and coming across as a stalker. I use Quora a lot for a hair restoration specialist I work with in Beverly Hills. Anyone that looks at my interactions on Quora will get the impression that I am completely obsessed with my hairline as well as hair restoration techniques and news.
  • Google Plus - It seems like even Google doesn't care about Google Plus anymore but it is still there for you to share some links to your work or IMDb page. It will take some effort on your part to find the best G+ communities to place your links and videos in so don't expect to just make a post and see instant interaction I mainly use G+ as exposure for this blog. 
  • Instagram - Even with their new (and awful) logo, Instagram is a great tool when it comes to marketing your carer. Since IG is a visual platform, it's vital to post a photo or video that is visually appealing to others. Post a photo from the set of your latest project or the costume from a play you're working on or even the script you're currently writing. Reaching eyeballs beyond your followers is pretty easy on Instagram by following a few simple tips:
  1. You get one link on IG (in your profile) so make sure it points to the site you want others to view
  2. Use hashtags to help others find you. Just remember that too many hashtags makes you look desperate to connect. Simply using your name as a hashtag might not gain you much attention. Using general hashtags such as #acting or #actorslife will connect you to others since they are phrases that are searched for on a regular basis.
  3. When you gain new followers, share their photos when appropriate. Casting directors and other industry people appreciate having their content shared. However, don't share everything they post or you'll come off as desperate to be noticed.
  4. Respond to all comments on your photos. The 30-seconds you take to respond helps build relationships.
  5. Be creative with your photos and videos while sharing some of them exclusively on IG There's no reason for people to follow you on multiple sites if they can simply find the same content on FB and Twitter as they do on IG.
  • Reddit - Exercise caution if you want to promote yourself on Reddit. Many people that post pitches about their work or links to their own videos get ripped apart in the comments section or simply have their link booted from a subreddit as being inappropriate or not fitting the rules of the subreddit. Make sure that your post is unique and out of the ordinary in order to make it through the crowd on Reddit.
  • Vine - This social media platform used to be one of the main outlets to find new talent on the Internet. The looping video platform showcases creativity and the ability to show your talent to the world in easy to digest six-second bites. However, a good number of ad buyers have turned away from the app which has caused many "Viners" to follow the ad money and marketing sponsorship dollars to Snapchat, FB and IG. This has also led to a decreased amount of content that is "Vine exclusive" as more Vine users are now sharing their content on other platforms. Many platforms realized the viability of updating their video content and were able to catch up to Vine when it failed to make any changes and stayed with its 6-second format. I rarely use Vine for business just because of the decreased amount of eyeballs that see the content.  New talent can certainly be found on Vine but there is less marketing money and individual deals being pumped into the app so there are less breakout Vine stars than in the recent past.
  • Snapchat - The platform that I am finding great success with when it comes to posting videos. Even though the maximum length of a Snapchat video is only 10-seconds, a series of 10-second videos can run one after the other to create a story. You can have people follow your story on Snapchat to create a narrative that connects the 10-second videos. Share your music, make a short film or do stand-up comedy as your story. I normally keep my client video stories to 3-minutes or less in order to keep fatigue from setting in from too many 10-second videos in a row.
  • Periscope - The good news is that the live streaming video aspect of Periscope allows you to show your talents in a live broadcast setting. However, Periscope  requires people to add you on the app so it takes a performer with good worth of mouth or an amazingly dedicated fanbase to make a dent in terms of getting attention from others in the industry.
Now that you know the tools you have at your disposal, make use of them and promote yourself and your career in creative ways. Nobody is more invested in your career than you so be your own biggest fan and make social media work for you.

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