Saturday, July 9, 2016

Comedy Is Funny But It's Also A Competition

I recently discussed having to make a run to Santa Monica late on a Friday because Zach had to get ready for a stand-up gig at Flappers that night. The one thing I left out of the post was the fact that his entry for the Burbank Comedy Festival had to be uploaded that day or he would be out of luck.

Thankfully, the video was submitted in time because we found out earlier this week that Zach was picked to be one of the Showcasing Comedians in the 2016 Festival. The event received hundreds of entries and the comedians chosen to take part include some familiar names from TV, movies and the comedy circuit of the United States. Comedians enter from all over the country for the chance to compete in the event. Zach's entry gives him three 5-minute spots during the week (Times and Dates TBD) with the hope of being picked to perform during the "Best of the Fest" event the last night of the festival.

Plus, he has the opportunity to attend panels and seminars that focus on club owners, talent bookers, working the college market and other industry related topics. It gives him the chance to trade notes with comedians who have experience working clubs in other cities. He's very excited to perform in front of his comedy peers but it also means he needs to write some new material before the event. Three 5-minute spots might not sound like much but that's three different sets to fill during the week.

Once I get more info about the dates and times he is performing, I will share it with you. If you're interested in seeing his entry video, it can be found in the video section of the link below:

Scroll down the page to see Zach's entry video.

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