Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Why Haven't I Been Posting Lately?

There has been a definite lack of new posts by me in the last few months. I have plenty to discuss and stories to share from Hollywood. The main problems are a lack of free time and (sometimes) a lack of motivation to compose a new blog.

It's not that I don't want to update my blog on a regular basis. There are just times when my brain is in "writer overload" mode.  In the past two weeks, I have written a combination of news stories, blogs, articles and white papers about these topics:

*The overseas cryptocurrency market
*Fishing season tips for residents of Texas
*Cosmetic surgery including Mommy Makeover, Rhinoplasty Revision, BBL and forms of Lipo
*Steps to take when talking to insurance companies after a hurricane
*Hot topics for parents in 2018
*How to track down company funding information
*A new cosmetics line based in Greece
*A film festival manual for aspiring filmmakers
*Duct cleaning scams
*Crowdfunding ideas and incentives for a number of companies

After spending about 10 hours a day writing, I sometimes don't have the mental energy to compose a thoughtful blog. 

While I might not be able to update you on Zach's adventures as often as I would like, I will give you a quick bullet point rundown of his recent activities:
  • Contacted by "America's Got Talent" 
  • Appearing on "Fresh off the Boat" 
  • Stand up gigs in Burbank and Pasadena
  • A show at iO West
  • Auditions for series leads and recurring characters
  • A part in a play running every weekend in North Hollywood
The kid stays busy while also going to college and working at Universal Studios.

Even if I don't get a chance to share everything with you on my blog, I do update his adventures in Hollywood on my social media pages. The links to my social media profiles can be found on the right side of this page.

Thanks for your patience. I will be back with more tales of Hollywood as soon as possible!

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