Saturday, February 15, 2014

My Fingers Don't Feel Tired After 100 Posts

I really wanted to theme this post with a cute/clever subject since it's post number 100 for me.  I could have talked about:

*100 auditions

*100 improv shows

*100 runs to In-N-Out or Fatburger

*100 times being stared at while driving through Beverly Hills in a red truck listening to Charlie Rich or Jerry Reed or Faron Young or (fill in the blank with another 60s/70s country singer)

*100 times a stranger has started a conversation with me by asking, "What's your latest project?"

*100 times Dana has commented on the fact that every female weather reporter in Los Angeles dresses like a stripper

*100 times I've run lines with The Artist

*100 times I've tried to overcome being a guy and make sure Zach's clothes match for an audition

*100 times sitting on the 405...or the 5...or the 101...or the 10...

*100 times watching parents do their best to psych out kids of all ages before they walk into an audition

*100 times I've seen a tourist almost get nailed by a car on Hollywood Blvd because he (or she) is too busy taking photos and not paying attention to street lights. (I was once told by a tourist who almost get hit by a car until I grabbed his arm, "We don't have much traffic where I'm from in Arkansas.  Do I have to wait for the light to change before I cross?" After that statement, I was kind of sorry I didn't let him get nailed by the Lexus.)

*100 times I've sat before a computer screen and wondered what to write about for my latest post

All of the above points might not have happened 100 times...But it sure feels like it!

Thanks for stopping by my blog 100 times to check out the acting adventures of The Artist!

Here's to the next 100 times I get to share the latest from Hollywood with you!

The IMDb page of the main subject of this blog

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