Saturday, March 22, 2014

Casting Call Roundup

I love looking at new casting notices because they always contain a few listings that strike me as funny. Here are my favorites from the last few weeks:

*Looking for hot girls willing to play video games on webcams

*Overweight male needed for psychology experiment

*Casting LA area women who practice magic, the occult, witchcraft, voodoo or use a third eye to power their 6th sense

*Are you good looking?  I mean REALLY REALLY REALLY good looking?  Like, people can't look away from you good looking?

*It's like "Fear Factor" in Beverly Hills

*Casting for girls that sleep with guys on the first date

*Spunky 25-35 unprepared female criminal 

*Looking for 35-47 males with piercing eyes, soulless, demonic presence

*Derelict Caucasian 25-55 Male

*Sardonic Mexican Mafia Member Male or Female

*Do you believe you murdered someone in a past life?

*Would you be willing to shower in the middle of an intersection?

Are any of these casting calls a fit for you?  If so, you could be a superstar!!!!!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Audition Weekend 2014

Sorry for the delay between posts but it's been a busy few weeks for everyone in the Anthony/Daniels/Louis household. 

I know you're here for the latest on The Artist so let's get to it right now!

Zach had four auditions during Oscars Weekend AKA Los Angeles Sky Poison Weekend 2014.  A good part of the weekend was spent avoiding people who had no idea how to drive in the rain.

Audition Number One (Saturday):
Our first stop on the audition weekend tour involved a soft drink commercial for an industry leader.  They were looking for real families to be featured in a new ad campaign.  Dana and I auditioned with Zach and, for once, all three of us were dressed decently. 

(I have to defend Dana and Zach.  They are always dressed nicely while I usually haven't shaved for 4 or 5 days and look like a guy begging for money on the mean streets of Sherman Oaks.)

The audition consisted of a photo shoot where we interacted with one another so they could get a feel for our family chemistry.  It was great fun.  I wish I could tell you which soft drink company it was for but I'm not sure if we're allowed to share (yet).

Don't tell anyone but here's a hint for you

Audition Number Two (Saturday):
Is it bad that I remember absolutely nothing about the second audition???

I took this photo at the audition for the project I can't recall

Audition Number Three (Saturday):
Our third stop of the day was a casting call for a political spot.  The first person we spotted when we entered the room was a Texas teen that played Zach's sidekick in "Long Way Down" (recently featured in the Santa Barbara Film Festival).  The two boys weren't paying any attention as the casting director noticed their instant bond.  It must have been fate the casting person watched them because they both booked roles in the spot.

The third audition happened around 3:30pm.  I got a call on my cell about 6pm that Zach had booked the commercial!  I spent the next three hours on and off the phone with wardrobe, the casting director and a random assistant discussing directions, clothes and the script.  Dinner with friends that night consisted of Dana carrying the conversation while I walked in and out of the restaurant taking notes and numbers.

Audition Number Four (Sunday):

The fourth audition of the weekend was two hours before the political spot call time.  No problem!

After an hour-and-a-half wait for Zach's turn to audition we ran out the door to make our way to the set. The good news? The route to the set was all surface streets so we didn't have to attempt the 405.  The bad news? We were running behind schedule so we didn't have a chance to stop and get Zach some lunch.

I planned on dropping Dana and Zach at the set before heading out to find food.  I changed my mind and decided to go on set because I wanted to say "hello" to the grandfather of Zach's "Long Way Down" buddy.

Good call on my part.

We walked in right when the crew was breaking for lunch.  (Let's hear it for 1:30pm call times!)  The crew told us to get some lunch and they would take Zach to wardrobe after the break.

We walked outside to a wonderful meal consisting of quinoa, a kale salad, tarragon infused tilapia, various pastas and five dessert choices.

The food choices were much better than the burger I was going to get Zach for lunch.

Zach chatted with the other kids on set until it was time to shoot his scene around 4:30pm.  The filming of his scene only took 30-minutes.  The script included two lines that he nailed on both takes.

Getting ready to film


All in all, not a bad way to spend Oscar Sunday afternoon.

There's more to share so check back soon for another update from Hollywood.

The IMDb Page Of A Rather Busy Teen Actor

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Scenes From (Recent) Life In Hollywood

***It's Oscars Weekend in Los Angeles and everyone is freaking out over the amount of rain we've received in the past 24-30 hours.  It's still raining as I type these words.  The local weather forecasters (a woman who dresses like a stripper, a guy with shiny suits that has the vibe of a used car salesman and a gentleman who looks like one of the old guys who heckles the Muppets) all say the rain will be out of the area by tomorrow night.  I hope so because we must protect our celebrities from the poison that rains from the sky!!!

***My absolute favorite audition notice in the last week has been "Looking For A Double Amputee With Stellar Sex Drive".  I didn't even bother to look at the project name because there's no way it would live up to my imagination.

***It was crazy (in a good way) yesterday because our phones kept blowing up with audition notices.  Four different notices in a 6-hour time period and none of them conflicted with each other.  That has to be an example of the planets aligning or good living or sheer luck or magical fairies watching over us.

***I saw a guy on the side of the road holding a sign that said "Will Read Your Spec Script For Food".  I'm certain you'll only see that in L.A.

***My second favorite casting notice of the past few days?  "Are You The Kind Of Person That Shoots First And Doesn't Ask Questions Later?"

***I had to get Zach's work permit renewed last week.  While I was in the office waiting room I was treated to a couple who asked if their 6-month old had to sign the paperwork and a lady screaming at her husband on the phone because he sent her inside to do the paperwork even though she was blind and couldn't read the paperwork.

***There's a bar near us that has a sign advertising "Bill Murray drank here once".  I don't know about you but that's enough to get me to try the place.

***Wherever you are this weekend enjoying the Oscars please think good thoughts for those of us in Hollywood.  Rain is the enemy to Los Angeles drivers...And hairstylists...And party planners...And TV reporters who are forced to stand out in the rain and endure the danger from the skies.

The IMDb Page Of A Future Oscar Winner (Maybe)