***It's Oscars Weekend in Los Angeles and everyone is freaking out over the amount of rain we've received in the past 24-30 hours. It's still raining as I type these words. The local weather forecasters (a woman who dresses like a stripper, a guy with shiny suits that has the vibe of a used car salesman and a gentleman who looks like one of the old guys who heckles the Muppets) all say the rain will be out of the area by tomorrow night. I hope so because we must protect our celebrities from the poison that rains from the sky!!!
***My absolute favorite audition notice in the last week has been "Looking For A Double Amputee With Stellar Sex Drive". I didn't even bother to look at the project name because there's no way it would live up to my imagination.
***It was crazy (in a good way) yesterday because our phones kept blowing up with audition notices. Four different notices in a 6-hour time period and none of them conflicted with each other. That has to be an example of the planets aligning or good living or sheer luck or magical fairies watching over us.
***I saw a guy on the side of the road holding a sign that said "Will Read Your Spec Script For Food". I'm certain you'll only see that in L.A.
***My second favorite casting notice of the past few days? "Are You The Kind Of Person That Shoots First And Doesn't Ask Questions Later?"
***I had to get Zach's work permit renewed last week. While I was in the office waiting room I was treated to a couple who asked if their 6-month old had to sign the paperwork and a lady screaming at her husband on the phone because he sent her inside to do the paperwork even though she was blind and couldn't read the paperwork.
***There's a bar near us that has a sign advertising "Bill Murray drank here once". I don't know about you but that's enough to get me to try the place.
***Wherever you are this weekend enjoying the Oscars please think good thoughts for those of us in Hollywood. Rain is the enemy to Los Angeles drivers...And hairstylists...And party planners...And TV reporters who are forced to stand out in the rain and endure the danger from the skies.
The IMDb Page Of A Future Oscar Winner (Maybe)
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