We arrived in the MO/IL area in late May to attend rehearsals for the "Marshall" movie. Rehearsals had been going great and everything was good to go to begin filming the first Tuesday in June.
Until the email showed up...
The email in question listed everything I needed to bring to set the first day including a copy of his IL work permit. My first thought was "what Illinois work permit"? I knew they decided to film in Illinois due to better tax breaks. No one mentioned needing a work permit.
I was told the permit was necessary in order for Zach to work on the film and to have it with me on set the next morning. The time was 10am and I had until 4pm to get the permit.
I quickly figured out what I needed to secure the permit:
*Birth Certificate? Check!
*SSN Card? Check!
*Manger/Agent Info? Check!
*Well Child Checkup? No!
*Letter From His School Showing He Is A Student In Good Standing? No!
I called his former doctor and explained my situation to the nurse. She politely told me they were really busy that day and my best bet was to visit a emergency clinic. I asked her to check with the doctor and see if there was any possible way to fit us into the schedule. She grumbled and agreed to ask the good doctor. She called back ten minutes later and told us to be there in one hour!
Now it was time to call a school district in Illinois because I had to get a school official to sign off on the work permit. I contacted the Belleville school district and was informed I called on a good day because it was the last day of school. In other words, no one would be there the next day to answer my questions. I was passed from one person to another person to a third person who told me I was on the phone with the wrong school district. She gave me the correct district/number to call and wished me luck. I called the correct person and was told to be there by 3pm because she was leaving early that day to get a haircut.
Great...One less hour to get the permit.
The next step was to obtain a letter from his California school. I was afraid this wasn't going to happen because the school year was over and I didn't know if anyone would be in the office. I got his teacher on the phone and explained my situation. After waiting 30-seconds for her to stop laughing at me, I asked if I could get the letter. She told me to send her what I needed the letter to say and she would get it to me within 30-minutes. Twenty-two minutes later I had the letter from his teacher (on letterhead) as well as a scanned copy of his report card from Dana.
The only task left was seeing the doctor.
We arrived at the office where I was presented with paperwork and a "how dare you throw off my day" look from the nurse. Ten minutes later we were in a room seeing the doctor:
*Height? Above average.
*Weight? Well within the range of his age group.
*Eyes/Ears/Nose? Still attached and working fine.
*Immunizations shots up to date? No.
Zach and the doctor debated for five minutes on whether or not he needed to get a shot before leaving the office. In a "dad of the year" moment, I looked at the doctor and stated I didn't have time for a debate so just get a needle and stick the kid in the arm so we could move on and get the permit.
Zach wasn't happy but he is up to date on his shots.
By this point, it's 12:30pm and we were facing a 50-minute drive to the correct school district.
It turned out to be a 75-minute drive thanks to road construction.
We hit Edwardsville, IL and had to find a Fed Ex/Kinko's to print out the school letter and the report card. Doesn't that sound like an easy task?
Oh wait...There isn't a Fed Ex/Kinko's in Edwardsville!
I searched the Internet for Edwardsville printing companies and found a guy 5-minutes from us. We raced into his place at 2pm and found the nicest guy to help us. It tuns out he used to live in Los Angeles and wanted to tell us all about his glory days in LA. We escaped 20-minutes later and raced to the school district office.
We sprinted into the building at 2:35pm and found our contact before she left to get her bleach blonde hair a deeper shade of fake blonde.
I gave her all of my paperwork and signed her forms. We were all good except for Zach needing to sign one form.
I turned around and he was nowhere in sight. I quickly realized he was in the bathroom. I had to drag him out of the bathroom and back into the office to sign the form. The permit was signed, processed and ready to go at 2:54pm!
I showed up on set the next day proudly carrying Zach's IL work permit. They didn't ask me for a copy of it at all the first week. Or the second week. I finally asked them if they needed a copy of the permit during the third week of filming.
Their reply?
"I guess that would be good to have."
This teen actor can work in IL if you need him! I have the permit!
Very entertaining and I applaud the Dad...:) Thanks for sharing. I had one day to get a Missouri work permit for my son and it wasn't that bad. Now living in Missouri and trying to get one for Illinois was throwing me off and I found this and it made me feel better. I was ready to be pissed off at his school and everything else...lol