Hello from Hollywood!
Sorry for the delay between posts. Real life has prevented me from having the time to let you know about what's been going on in the land of movie magic.
If you want to hear me complain about traffic, see new casting notices or read my snarky comments you should come back next time for a normal blog post. For once, I'm just going to discuss our lives.
Dana went in for routine surgery on March 16th. She's been dealing with a few ailments since November and it finally came time for surgery.
I won't go into too many details about the procedure. It's what happened after the surgery that has shaped our lives for the last few weeks.
Dana was getting ready to be discharged the night of the procedure. In fact, she had the discharge papers in hand when her blood pressure started to drop. The staff decided to wait a little longer to release her so they could observe her a little while longer before she was sent home.
If her hospital experience had been in a movie the stage directions would say, "Cut to":
*Two blood transfusions to keep her heart rate out of dangerously low territory
*Dana coding twice
*A frantic code team working on keeping her conscious
*Dana suffering from internal bleeding as blood pooled on her clothes and down her side
*Me being forced to go home with a 102 fever as not to give Dana yet another medical problem
And all of the above is just the beginning....
We've been keeping a low profile the past few weeks due to the three of us being a bit traumatized by the events of her surgery.
I've been a bit off when it comes to daily chores. My motor skills were way off for about a week. I kept dropping my keys each time I went to open the door. I would trip over stairs, burn dinner from a lack of focus and forget simple things like my phone number and address.
It's not an easy thing for a teen to realize he almost lost his mother. He's better now but he spent a good 3-4 days acting out to us. I couldn't figure out why he was acting like a jerk especially since his mom was still recovering. Dana and I finally realized he didn't know how to cope with his feelings and was acting out in frustration as well as letting out his feelings.
Besides recovering from her surgery, she's also been dealing with the after effects of the blood transfusions and the (two) near death experiences.
Even though we told them not to come, thank goodness Dana's parents made the trip for her surgery. They helped us keep it together for the first few days we returned home from the hospital.
I'm certainly not trying to sound all doom and gloom with this post. There's just been a real dose of life and death around our place lately. We've all pulled it together. Dana is recovering more each day and is almost in fighting shape again!
The entire experience has given us a greater appreciation for each other. The dog has not left her side in weeks!
I'll be back soon with a new post full of casting notices, stupid jokes and observations on life in Hollywood. And I promise it will be upbeat! But for now, I'm keeping my head low and my eyes on my family.
This Actor Has New Auditions I Need To Blog About Soon!
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