Sunday, September 20, 2015

What Makes An Actor Successful?

There are plenty of actors that are viewed as being successful. Whether they star in a box office smash or on a successful TV show, the definition of successful (in the minds of the general public) is being famous and making big money for each role.

While these actors are doing well in their chosen field, the fact that they are big stars is not what makes them successful. Here are some of the real reasons an actor is successful in their career.

  1. Having a positive frame of mind - There are few actors who enjoy the luxury of not having to audition for parts. Don't enter an audition thinking your career is going nowhere because you still have to drive to Santa Monica on a Friday to make a 5pm audition.  Be happy that you got the call to fight traffic and audition for the role.
  2. Don't settle - You might be booking background work on a regular basis. You might even make pretty good extra money standing in the back of crowd scenes.  A successful actor is happy for the work but still strives for bigger and better parts.
  3. Have a realistic attitude - Not settling and being realistic go hand in hand. Don't think that you will be able to walk up to the casting director of the show you do background for and let them know you're ready for a bigger part.  They might be taking notice of you (might!) but any moves up the acting ladder of the show will be set in motion by the casting office.
  4. Be proactive and network - Do more than just learn the lines for your next audition. Take time to analyze the parts you read for to determine what "type" casting directors see you as at this point in your career. Don't like the parts you audition for on a regular basis? Attend casting workshops to show the casting community different sides of your acting personality. Take acting classes to expand your range and become the "acting type" that you see in your mind. Get yourself out there and network with casting directors as well as other actors.  A little networking can go a long way in changing how others see you.
  5. Shut up and listen - Actors love to read lines and share the sound of their voice with an audience. One of the qualities that makes an actor successful is learning to shut up. Being quiet and listening to feedback from casting directors as well as the wisdom shared by veterans in the entertainment industry can be a valuable learning experience for actors of any age and experience level.
Don't pigeonhole your idea of success as being rich and famous. Success comes in many shapes and forms and is not measured solely by the amount of money you male. 

Can you follow the tips above? Do you have what it takes to be a successful actor?

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