Saturday, May 20, 2017

What Should An Actor Do After Pilot Season?

The TV upfronts are over and the fall television schedules are set for the main networks (ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC and The CW).  While the upfronts represent a beginning for the actors who landed pilots that got picked up, this time of year also represents an ending for some actors.

The months of January-May are a busy time in Hollywood. A great number of actors move to Los Angeles during this time of the year for pilot season. Since the number of actors is much larger than the amount of available roles in pilots, the end of pilot season sees many of the temporary residents of Los Angeles head back to their hometowns.

Will they eventually return to take another shot at their acting career in Los Angeles? A good majority of them will say "Yes" when asked this question. However, some will go back home and never find a reason to try again in California.

What about the actors who didn't book a pilot but decide to stay in Los Angeles? What opportunities remain for them in the time between the end of pilot season and the start of episodic season in late summer/early fall?

There is plenty to keep you busy if you know where to look or if you want to create your own opportunities:

  • Casting directors continue their work in the summer months because movies and commercials don't stop filming during this time period 
  • There have been multiple auditions in the last few weeks for plays in Los Angeles so think about trying the stage this summer
  • The time between pilot season and episodic season is a chance to update your resume, get new headshots and make sure your social media is an accurate representation of your brand as an actor
  • Schedule meetings with your agent and manager to review how pilot season went and what you can do to prepare for episodic season
  • Pull out that script you've wanted to complete and create a project that plays to your strengths
  • Take an acting class or attend workshops in order to keep your acting skills sharp
Acting opportunities in Hollywood don't stop just because pilot season has ended for the year. It might take some extra effort on your part to find a project or a role that fits your skills. Just remember that it's worth the effort because you might find the part that kickstarts your career and helps you become a working actor.

This actor has booked a few roles since pilot season ended.

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