Thursday, May 29, 2014

It's All Coming Full Circle

Greetings from Oklahoma!

Zach and I are on our way to St. Louis where The Artist will spend the month of June filming a movie.  

His audition for the role was just about a month ago via Skype.  We finally got the word he won the role a few weeks ago on a Thursday night.  The news came around 8:45pm which was perfect timing because Dana and I had to pick him up at 9pm from his acting class in Beverly Hills.  It was awesome to be able to share the news with his friends in the class.

While it was exciting to find out the news about the movie, we were in high gear mode to get ready for the journey.

Zach had to speed up the process of finishing his school year before leaving town.  His final week of the school year was filled with The Artist turning in six 90-page units in four days.  Along with the mad school scramble, Zach also had a stand-up gig, an acting class, a script to study and a last minute audition.

We finally got everything together for the trip (script, clothes, school work for the June break, etc,) and hit the road Tuesday morning.  

The last thing Zach said to me before he went to bed the night before was "I'll get plenty of sleep so I can help you stay awake for the drive."  We were about 5 minutes away from Sherman Oaks and he was already passed out in the truck.  I woke him up 3 hours later for a bathroom break.  He went right back to sleep and didn't wake up until lunch 4 hours later in Arizona.

After his never ending nap, we studied the script (which involved him reading his lines out loud since I couldn't drive and read at the same time).  We also took some time to check out a meteor crater, robot dinosaurs and a wildfire raging on a hill behind a sign warning drivers to watch out for ice on the bridge in front of us. 

Thirteen hours after we hit the road, we decided to call it a night in New Mexico.  While getting ready for bed, I realized I didn't have any deodorant or toothpaste.  I walked two blocks to the grocery store and bought my items.  While waiting to cross at the stoplight, I met an extremely intoxicated guy who was stumbling to the corner.  I asked "How's it going?" and he replied, "Not too good.  I got my love gun stuck in my zipper."

I looked down (because you have to look no matter how much you don't want to look) and his "love gun" was indeed stuck in his zipper because someone had used duct tape to hold it in place.

He asked me if I could help him correct this situation.  Although I believe in helping others in need, I politely declined and made my way across the street.  I had visions of being arrested for public lewdness along with a general feeling of "no thank you" about the request.

The second day of the road trip involved watching The Artist sleep (again) in the truck, a two-hour stop in Oklahoma City to take care of some pressing work matters, a car museum pit stop, the Roger Miller Museum, a peek at Zach's report card and a truck driving past me containing one adult/2 kids/4 dogs in the back and a pontoon boat being pulled behind the truck with what appeared to be a moonshine still riding in the middle of the boat.

The #roadtrip ends today with our arrival in St. Louis.  Rehearsals for the movie are this weekend and filming begins next week.  I'm very excited for Zach because he has worked hard for this opportunity. It's odd that he had to leave St. Louis to study acting in Los Angeles just to return to St. Louis for his first role in a major theatrical release.  It's a very "full circle" experience.

I have to wake the kid up so he can get dressed to go back to sleep in the truck.  I'll have updates from the set throughout June so check back with me when you get a chance!

The IMDb page of my Road Trip Partner

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