Wednesday, May 7, 2014

It Takes All Kinds Of Parents To Ruin This Town

Don't worry, this is not a Buzzfeed online quiz that asks for permission to access your Facebook account information.  This is a rundown of the types of parents I see on a regular basis in Hollywood.

1.  The Hoverer:
The parent that is always there...And just a little too close each time you notice him.  The parent that can you tell you every conversation happening between everyone in the audition waiting room.

2.  The Psych-Out King:
This parent isn't doing the humble brag.  This is the person who likes to talk about the achievements of their underage thespian in front of the other kids.  The Psych-Out King is convinced that he can get in the heads of the other kids at the audition.  If it's a mom, she is normally the person asking "Who did your headshots?"  She'll ask to see your headshots because "she's looking for a new photographer".  She'll look at yours, give you an "I'm so sorry" look and point out the flaws in your photo to your face.

3.  The Bait And Switch Parent:
I love this person!  How can you not admire the parent that takes the time to stand outside the door of the audition location and tell you the audition ended early because the casting directors found their guy/girl?  I love the amount of effort put into BS'ing other adults just so their child has a better shot at the gig.

4.  The Coach:
The parent who won't shut up in the waiting room.  The one who tries to analyze every kid that enters the casting office before his actor has a turn  The one who changes the game plan based on the look and facial expression of each kid leaving the audition.

5.  The "We Didn't Really Want It" Parent:
The parent who tries to convince you their kid had qualified to be a contestant on a reality show, booked a role on a hit sitcom or turned down a Disney/Nick deal.  Their kid had the keys to the kingdom but decided instead to devote more time to their art because it's closer to their heart.


I like to think of myself as "The Minding My Own Business Parent".

No matter what type of parent I run into at an audition I know it's always going to be entertaining!

Speaking of parents, I'm the parent of this kid!

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