Friday, May 30, 2014

Los Angeles vs St. Louis! Is There A Clear Winner?

I've been back in St. Louis for all of 24 hours but the differences between the STL and Los Angeles are very apparent to me.

Here's just a few of the differences between the two cities.  I've also noted which city wins in each category.

*Los Angeles has a greater number of women dressed as strippers doing the weather.  If they aren't dressed as strippers then they are definitely dressed to go a club after the newscast.  (LA)

*St. Louis allows their baseball fans to actually watch the games on TV.  Los Angeles continues to allow at least 70% of its population to go without televised Dodgers games. (STL)

*There are way too many pop-up showers in St. Louis followed by humidity that causes even my few hair to curl. (LA)

*People in the Midwest don't feel the need to say "Hey Boss" to every customer (man, woman or child) that enters their store. (STL)

*A neverending display of Plaid Shorts/White Socks; Plaid Shorts/White Socks; Plaid Shorts/White Socks. (LA)

*Less traffic and better commute times. (STL) (I also apologize to everyone I honked at today while I rushed to beat red lights.  Force of LA driving habit)

*Henry's Tacos and Hugo's Tacos (LA/SFV)

*An amazing amount of people I've talked to since yesterday referring to where they live as the "armpit of America". (STL...if you want to call that a win)

*Brightly dressed crazy/homeless people making a spectacle of themselves for money. (Tie between Hollywood Boulevard and Downtown STL)

As always, can't we all just get along???

Time to take a break with the comparisons.  I need to get out of this hotel room and get some STL food!

A Teen Actor Who Ate Some STL Pizza Last Night

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