Saturday, September 20, 2014

Ready For A Reality TV Roundup?

With the not so surprising news about the breakup of Mama June and Sugar Bear, I was reminded it's been too long since I featured a rundown of my favorite reality TV casting notices.

Here they are (in no particular order):

*Does your partner know you like to dress up in a superhero costume in your spare time?

*Are you a hardcore rapper who happens to be stone cold Caucasian?

*Do you wish you could be the next Rich Little?

*Have you ever wanted to spend the day with David Hasselhoff???

*Seeking couples who are also travel agents with dreams of owning their own personal jet for trips!

*Seeking pet detectives willing to do a "ride along" with various animals.

*What do you get when you put a gay male, a straight multiracial couple, three teenagers, two senior citizens, a goldfish and four dogs in the same estate?

*Feeling OC Housewives pretty but stuck wearing Valley Mom Jeans?

*Experience Rodeo Drive style on a Watts budget.

*Burned by the Kickstarter process?  Raise the money but fail at perks fulfillment?

*Are you known as the meanest umpire in your Little League system?

*We want to go behind the mask and find out what it's like to be a theme park mascot.

Congratulations if you fit any of these casting notices!  You could be the next big Reality TV star!

#realitytv #castingnotices #nextbigthing #hollywood #losangeles

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