Monday, December 1, 2014

He's The Actor, I'm The Dadager With A 101 Fever

Greetings from Hollywood!

I had all sorts of items I wanted to discuss after the Thanksgiving break but my first fever of 2014 has slowed down my ability (and desire) to write a new post.

Let's keep this one simple and go through some casting calls and random thoughts:

*Zach has an audition tomorrow in North Hollywood.  The casting office is next door to a super creepy Toyota (where the 134 meets the 101) where there are a couple of dozen mannequins frozen in some kind of salute.  Maybe it's a "Go Toyota" salute?

*I just checked my fever and the thermometer read "110".  I'm going to assume my vision is blurry (since I'm not in a coma) and says it's really "101".

*A casting director is looking for a "attractive and unstable female who is a firecracker ex-wife in real life".

*A casting call for a "perverted and awkward Caucasian" is a very generic casting call in Hollywood.  You can go on any street and find that type.

*We were in Nashville over the weekend.  Lower Broadway in downtown Nashville is like Hollywood Blvd if you substitute cowboys for superheroes.

*A Los Angeles based reality show company is looking for attractive single mothers willing to have another child with no strings attached from the father.  Classy.

*A clothing company is looking for James Bond look-a-likes from the entire spectrum of Bond actors.  Does that include David Niven?

*I walked past a film crew last week and enjoyed watching two guys try to negotiate a elephant costume into a Mustang Convertible.

*I just realized I've been staring at the screen for ten minutes.  I checked my fever and it is still "101".  I should call it a night.  Talk to you soon.

Have To Keep My Germs Away From This Actor

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